You've been searching for a new siding material for your home. Throughout your research, you keep coming across the term "Hardie Board siding".
The question is: what is Hardie Board siding? We're going to get into that very topic below. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about Hardie Board siding.
What Is Hardie Board Siding?
Hardie Board siding is manufactured by James Hardie®. Known for its durability, it's made out of a combination of sand, cement, and cellulose fibers.
Though it's synthetically manufactured, it possesses a warm and natural appearance, often comparable to that of wood. Available in a variety of colors, it can be used to work in any color scheme.
Hardie Board siding is exceedingly popular. In fact, it's currently used on over 8 million American homes. Nonetheless, each of these homes possesses its own unique look, thus highlighting just how aesthetically various Hardie Board siding really is.
If you're searching for a siding material that excels on all fronts, this is the one for you. Not only does it last for an exceedingly long time but it looks darn good while doing so.
Hardie Board Pros
The pros of Hardie Board siding are many. The most prominent of these pros include the following.
It's Highly Durable
If it's a durable siding material you seek, Hardie Board siding is the material for you. This material comes with a 30-year warranty and is designed to thrive for between 30 and 50 years. The better you care for it, the longer it will last.
It's Resistant to Water
An issue that you'll get with wood siding is that it's vulnerable to water. Water exposure causes it to warp and misshape.
This isn't so with Hardie Board siding. In fact, Hardie Board siding is highly resistant to water, suffering no ill effects regardless of how much it's exposed to it.
It's Resistant to Sunlight
Not only is Hardie Board siding resistant to water but to sunlight as well. This isn't true of some other materials, like wood, for instance. Those materials will eventually warp when exposed to sunlight on a regular basis.
It Requires Little Maintenance
When you choose a siding material, you need to keep its maintenance needs in mind. The more maintenance a material requires, the more time and money you have to devote to it.
Hardie Board siding requires almost nothing in the way of maintenance. In most cases, it just needs to be cleaned on occasion. There's no sealing or staining or repainting necessary.
It's Resistant to Fire
Another big benefit of Hardie Board siding is that it's resistant to fire. In other words, when you have Hardie Board siding installed on your home, your risk of house fires goes down substantially.
It's Resistant to Bugs
As you might know, wood siding is vulnerable to termites and other such bugs. Over time, these pests can ruin wood siding, requiring that it be replaced long before its time.
Fortunately, Hardie Board siding doesn't have this problem. It's entirely resistant to bugs, eliminating all risk of an early demise at their claws.
It's Aesthetically Pleasing
Considering the fact that your siding comprises a large portion of your home's exterior aesthetic, you need to make sure that it's aesthetically pleasing. Fortunately, Hardie Board siding fits this bill.
Though it's made out of sand, cement, and cellulose fibers, Hardie Board siding is designed to look like authentic wood. It's not an exact match but it's a great mimic.
It comes in many styles and colors as well. You can buy it in long, narrow panels, or in small, staggered shakes. And regardless of your color needs, you will be accommodated.
Generally speaking, Hardie Board is considered to be a high-end material. You'll find it on small bungalows and luxury mansions alike.
It's Cost-effective
Hardie Board siding doesn't come with the cheapest purchase price. In fact, it's one of the more expensive siding materials on the market these days.
That said, when you take its durability into account, it's one of the most cost-effective options in existence. This is because, while wood and vinyl siding last for around 30 years, Hardie Board siding can last for 40, 45, and, in some cases, even 50 years.
So, yes, you'll pay more to start with. However, when it's all said and done, Hardie Board siding might actually save you money in comparison to vinyl, wood, and other siding options.
Hardie Board Cons
As you can see, Hardie Board siding has tons of positive attributes. However, it's not without its cons. Some of its biggest cons include the following.
It's Expensive
Simply put, Hardie Board siding is expensive, at least initially. It costs more than both vinyl siding and wood siding. This can put it out of reach for some homeowners.
Note, however, that when it comes to the overall cost, it might actually be cheaper than wood and vinyl. This is due not only to its long lifespan but to its low need for maintenance.
So, while Hardie Board siding appears expensive on its surface, it's a lot less expensive than it seems.
It's Difficult to Install
The other con of Hardie Board siding is that it's difficult to install. This is due to its weight, which is greater than both vinyl and wood siding options.
That said, every home is capable of bearing Hardie Board. As such, the key here is to choose a seasoned and skilled installer. As long as your installer has the goods, your Hardie Board siding will provide the protection your home needs.
Ready to Install Hardie Board Siding?
Now that you have an answer to "what is Hardie Board siding?", you might be ready to install it on your home. Need Hardie Board siding in Sacramento & Bay Area?
If so, we here at GVD Renovations & Remodeling are the people to see. We've installed Hardie Board siding on a bevy of Sacramento & Bay Area area homes. Regardless of your color and style preferences, we can accommodate you.
Contact us today to get the process started!
Tags: what is hardie board siding, james hardie, hardieboard,