Do you want to remodel your bathroom but do not know where to take the initial start from and how long will it take for a bathroom remodel? Read this guide to know the average time to remodel a bathroom. 

The question which arises every time you think of bathroom remodel is whether you should do it yourself or hire a bathroom remodeling professional. Considering the average time to remodel a bathroom, there are three choices: 

  • You can do a bathroom remodel yourself
  • Hire a professional whose only job at the time is your bathroom remodel
  • Hire a professional who does multiple bathroom remodels at one time

Most remodeling firms work for several people at one time, and in this way, your work ends up delayed. Always hire someone who will only work for you to save the time of your bathroom remodel process.

You can also opt for doing it yourself as it is a money-saver option but not a time-saver. 

Designing According To What You Want

Before starting the renovation process in your bathroom, some other things need to be confirmed. Before meeting the remodeling contractor, you should have a clear idea about what you want in your bathroom remodel. The contractor will give an estimate considering all the details; make sure you have decided beforehand what you want, what features you want to install in your bathroom, and many other things. The process of designing takes 1-4 weeks, but it also depends on how fast your design is, so the average time to remodel a bathroom becomes minimum. 

Materials You Want In Your Bathroom

Once you finalize the design and agree on the estimate with your contractor, it is time to order the materials you want for your bathroom remodel. Some things must be kept to a minimum in the average time to remodel a bathroom. For example: if you order tiles or cabinets that need to be shipped from any other country, keep in mind that it takes much longer than ordering locally. Communicate with your contractor and suppliers to make the process of your bathroom remodel short and with as few gaps as possible. Generally, the process of choosing and ordering material takes around 1-8 weeks. 

Creating Schedule Depending On What Bathroom Remodel You Want

Generally, the process of a bathroom remodel takes about a minimum of four weeks to a maximum of eight weeks; this is what professionals say. But a bathroom remodel without demolishing, electrical, and plumbing work takes about five days. Here is a whole guide about the average time to remodel a bathroom. 


Demolition - Days 1-2: 

If your bathroom remodel needs stripping down the walls, and putting out the showers and the tiles, then the first step of construction is demolishing the existing bathroom space. This step fairly takes about one to two working days, but it also depends upon how much needs to be removed. 

Electrical Work And Plumbing - Days 3-4: 

This stage is called ‘the rough-in” stage. Once the old bathroom has been demolished, the framing, layout, and backing are made to transform the design outlets into the bathroom space. Plumbing and electrical work are done in over two days with installing bathtubs, showers, and exhaust fans to balance the ventilation in the bathroom. This is the most important step in your bathroom remodel process the average time to remodel a bathroom majorly depends on this. 

Installing A Drywall - Days 5-10: 

After the installation of the guts has been done, it is time to put drywall wherever necessary. Installing moisture-resistant boards around water-sensitive areas such as showers and bath tubs is also a part of this process. This process takes around 4-5 days. 

This process can be a bit longer if extensive drywall is needed in case room temperature does not allow mud to dry. In this particular case, the process can be done in another 4-5 days. 

Installation Of Tiles And Initial Paint Coating - Days 15-20: 

Once the drywall is done, it is time to install the tiles. Floor tiles are installed, grouted, and sealed; this process lasts an average of four to five days. After installing the tiles, the next step is to prime and paint the walls with the initial coat. The process of installing tiles and painting the initial coat together takes around five working days. The bathroom remodel is not an easy and small process, have patience and go on to the next step. 

Final Paint And Installation Of Accessories - Days 21-23:

This is the step where most of the complicated construction is done, so it is time to jump to the less complicated part. In this step, vanity, counter, electrical, and plumbing fixtures are installed, and final coats of paint are applied. After this, the accessories like towel racks are put up. This whole process takes up to two to three days. 

Double Checking And Cleaning The Area - Days 24-25: 

Once the construction is completed, there are last small steps left that carry a lot of importance. The first one is double-checking the space and ensuring everything is ready to use. The contractor must inspect the plumbing and electrical issues and clean the area properly. Make sure the room is ready to use without any minor or major inconvenience. 

When all these steps are done, your bathroom remodel is ready. Enjoy using your newly remodeled bathroom. 

Complications You Need To Be Aware of

You must remember that several things can affect the average time to remodel a bathroom. While demolition, several situations like rot and mold could arrive and needs to be replaced. Some special orders can take several days, and many other complications can occur. 

This outline we have given is from our experts at GVD Renovations & Remodeling and consists of how much time different parts take. Make sure to set a timeline before starting the bathroom remodel process to have a clear idea of the average time to remodel a bathroom. 

Tags: Bathroom remodeling , bathroom renovations , how long will it take to remodel my bathroom, average time to remodel a bathroom,