A Note to Our Customers About COVID-19

At GVD Renovations & Remodeling, we are committed to the safety and well-being of all of our team members and customers. As we work together to fight the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, we have put extra measures in place to help safeguard the health of our customers and contractors.

First, we are closely monitoring all announcements and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are also carefully monitoring recommendations from local health departments and authorities. We keep our team members updated regularly with relevant information so that they can stay healthy and prevent the spread of the virus to themselves and their families.

In addition, we are taking extra precautions to help protect our valued customers. This means practicing common sense social distancing and hygiene steps including:

  • Limiting contact, including handshakes and maintaining a safe social distance
  • Frequent hand sanitizing and handwashing
  • Accommodating rescheduling requests for in-person appointments and virtual consultations for the comfort and safety of our customers

Our teams are working as usual and we are open for business. However, if there are any impacts to our production schedules or installation timelines, we will let you know as soon as we can.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or have any other concerns. We are making every effort to support our team and customers during this time and we look forward to serving you.

Tags: covid-19, covid 19, coronavirus,